國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--Achievement-【CANR Series Speech & Course】ENT:Current Status of Microbial Pesticide and R&D

【CANR Series Speech & Course】ENT:Current Status of Microbial Pesticide and R&D

  • category : Achievement
  • date : 2023-09-23
  • views : 681

2023 CANR Full English International Features Series Speech & Lecture


Speaker:김재수 교수 (Dr. Jae Su KIM, Jeonbuk National University/Dept. of Agricultural Biology)

Date & Time:112.9.26 Tue. 10:00~12:00

Space:EC02, Agricultural & Environmental Science Building

Topic:Current Status of Microbial Pesticide and R&D


Contact person: Dr. Nai, Dept. of ENTOMOLOGY, NCHU