國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--獎助訊息-【CANR 系列演講課程】2023 全英文國際特色系列專題演講-攏底家!!

【CANR 系列演講課程】2023 全英文國際特色系列專題演講-攏底家!!

  • 分類 : 獎助訊息
  • 日期 : 2023-10-11
  • 點閱 : 1070



沒錯!! 感謝教育部高教深耕計畫及學校的支持,今年得以持續籌辦「2023本校與國際知名學校農業領域系列演講課程(2023 CANR Full English International Features Series Speech & Course)」,延續邀請來自日本、美國、韓國等多位專家學者,歡迎有興趣的您,先手刀把時間留起來~一同參與吧!


校園內確切上課地點與方式,將持續為各位大大留意與追蹤,請關注我們這篇貼文!!!【12/18更新版: 附件


Meeting ID: 819 5729 3751       Passcode: 883566

  • 10/25 13:00-15:00 Chemical Ecology of Insect Plant Interaction II 

Dr. Ritsuo NISHIDA, Kyoto University/ Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Applied Life Sciences

ZOOM meeting link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81957293751?pwd=5mJ2fWpfb1BbfB3SkwCwJU7UWbySJz.1

Meeting ID: 819 5729 3751       Passcode: 883566


  • 10/18 10:30-  Current topics in Black Solider Fly research in Japan

    Dr. Masami SHIMODA, The University of Tokyo/ Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology

    Room: EC7D09 (Link)

  • 取消11/1   10:30-12:00  Current and potential threats of psylloids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) on eucalypts

    Researcher Dalva Luiz DE QUEIROZ, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária / Embrapa Florestas

    Room: EC7D09 (Link)

  • 11/2   15:00-17:00  Quality Matters More Than Quantity: Asymmetric Temperature Effects on Crop Yield and Quality Grade

    Dr. Kentaro KAWASAKI, The University of Tokyo/ Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

    Room: IA434, International Agricultural Research Center

  • 12/21 15:00-17:00   Two tigers in One Mountain: Are there Implicit Collusions in the U.S. Corn Seed Market?

    Dr. Guanming SHI, University of Wisconsin-Madison/ Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics

    Room: IA434, International Agricultural Research Center Building