國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--獎助訊息-演講:Strawberry Supply Chain-112年4月24日(一)

演講:Strawberry Supply Chain-112年4月24日(一)

  • 分類 : 獎助訊息
  • 日期 : 2023-04-18
  • 點閱 : 1129

Driscoll's資深草莓預測經理楊凡萱博士將於 "小果類作物栽培與生理” EMI課程,與我們一起探討草莓供應鏈,並分享於Driscoll's服務的經驗。
Dr. Fan-Hsuan Joy Yang, Ph.D., a Senior Strawberry Forecast Manager at Driscoll's, will be joining us to talk about the strawberry supply chain at our upcoming EMI course on Small Fruit Production and Physiology on April 24 (Mon) at 10:10 AM.
Discover how Driscoll's, a family-owned company with over 100 years of experience in the berry business, has become a global leader in the industry. Learn about the critical role of technology in their supply chain in North America, which includes cooling and transporting over 1 billion pounds of fruit from independent growers and distribution sites across the America, e.g. California, the Pacific Northwest, the Northeastern U.S., Florida, Central Mexico, Chile, and Peru.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to hear from a leading expert about the challenges and innovations in the berry industry. Join us and discover how Driscoll's ensures an incredible berry-eating experience for their consumers.