- 分類 : 榮譽榜
- 日期 : 2025-03-13
- 點閱 : 153
申請期程: 即日起至114年3月31日
申請方式: 由授課教師依教學需求憑申請表提出EMI課程計畫助理申請(紙本送至農資學院辦公室或寄信至km.hsu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw)。每門課不限修課人數得申請至少一名課程計畫助理,修課學生數達25人以上可申請二名課程計畫助理(申請2名課程計畫助理請檢附修課學生名單)。
- 補助開課單位為農資學院或農資學院所屬教學單位之大學部及學碩合開之ESAP或EMI課程。
- 同一門課程如已獲教務處、國際處及本校其他單位補助,不得再重複領取本辦法補助。
- ESAP或EMI課程須符合本校開課規範及「國立中興大學英語相關課程類型判定基礎」。
1. 不得申請擔任與該學期所修課程同名稱之課程計畫助理。Students are not allowed to apply for the course they are taking during the same semester.
2. 已領取本校其他單位TA補助之同學,需與各單位確認聘期無衝突始得聘任。如於申請後接獲其他單位補助通知,應主動告知農資學院。Students who have received TA scholarships from other units of the University must confirm with the units that there are no conflicts. If receiving TA scholarships from other units after submitting this application, the applicant must proactively notify the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
3. 為避免同課號重複補助,農資學院於彙整補助名單後提供國際處及教務處備查,如查證重複申請,取消其補助資格,原補助經費應繳回,且兩年內不得再申請本補助辦法。The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources will share the information you provide with the Office of International Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs for verification. If duplicate applications are found, the subsidy will be revoked, and the funds must be returned. Additionally, you will be disqualified from applying for this subsidy for the next two years.
每學期以4個月計,每名課程計畫助理每學分每月核發新台幣2000元;申請時提供英語聽說讀寫皆達CEFR B2或農資學院(本校)核發之課程計畫助理研習之證書者,每門課每月加發新台幣3000元。
- 協助授課教師蒐集及完成「ESAP/EMI課程學習自評表」與其他相關事務。
- 記錄授課老師與學生英文使用情形。
- 課程計畫助理工作回饋心得一篇(請於114年6月30日前紙本送至農資學院辦公室或寄信至km.hsu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw)。
- 參與農資學院及本校辦理之EMI相關活動至少一次。
- 提供出勤時間及工作紀錄。
ESAP/EMI Course Assistant Subsidy Application
Application Deadline: open until March 31, 2025.
How to apply:
Instructors may apply for an ESAP/EMI course assistant by submitting a completed application form based on teaching needs. The application can be submitted in paper to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Office or via email to km.hsu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw. Each course is eligible for at least one Course Assistant regardless of the number of students enrolled. Two Course Assistants may be requested if the number of enrolled students reaches 25 or more. A student enrollment list must be attached to applications requesting two assistants.
1. Subsidized Courses
• This subsidy applies to ESAP/EMI courses offered by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or its affiliated teaching units at the undergraduate level or as jointly offered bachelor's and master's courses.
• Courses that have already received subsidies from other units of the University, including the Office of Academic Affairs or the Office of International Affairs, are not eligible for this subsidy.
• ESAP or EMI courses must comply with NCHU course regulations and the "Classification Criteria for English-taught Courses."
2. Eligible Applicants
• The subsidy is open to graduate students (Master's and PhD) of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and outstanding undergraduate students from any department and year.
• Each student may apply for up to two courses per semester under this Subsidy.
1. Students are not allowed to apply for the course they are taking during the same semester.
2. Students who have received TA scholarships from other units of the University must confirm with the units that there are no conflicts. If receiving TA scholarships from other units after submitting this application, the applicant must proactively notify the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
3. The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources will share the information you provide with the Office of International Affairs and the Office of Academic Affairs for verification. If duplicate applications are found, the subsidy will be revoked, and the funds must be returned. Additionally, you will be disqualified from applying for this subsidy for the next two years.
3. Subsidy Amount
The Subsidy is calculated based on 4 months per semester.
NT$2,000/Month per credit
An additional NT$3,000/Month per course will be granted if the applicant provides proof of CEFR B2-level proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing or evidence of a TA training certificate issued by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (or NCHU).
*Accepted English Proficiency Tests: BESTEP, GEPT, FLPT, Cambridge Main Suite, IELTS, Toeic, TOEFL, and Linguaskill Business.
4. Course Assistant Responsibilities
• Assist the instructor in collecting and completing the "Pre-Course and Post-Course Survey" and other related tasks.
• Record the percentage of using English by the instructor and students during the course.
• Submit one page of course assistant feedback (by June 30, 2025) in paper form to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Office or via email to km.hsu@dragon.nchu.edu.tw.
• Participate in at least one EMI-related event organized by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources or NCHU.
• Provide attendance records and work logs.
Contact Information
Miss. Hsu