國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--Honor-【News】NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

【News】NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

  • category : Honor
  • date : 2024-11-11
  • views : 335

On November 2, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) celebrated its 105th anniversary with a commemorative ceremony, recognizing outstanding achievements with the 28th Outstanding Alumni Awards and the inaugural Honorary Alumni Awards. This year, ten alumni were honored as Outstanding Alumni, and three as Honorary Alumni, including Minister of Justice Ming-Chien Cheng, Director-General of the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Chun-Jung Su, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Wen-Chen Tu, and Director of the Taichung City Government Water Resources Bureaun Shi-Yi Fan. In the Honorary Alumni category, the honorees were Show-Chung Ho, Dean of the Yuen-Foong-Yu Academy, Chen-Pang Wu, Chairman of CH Biotech R&D Co., Ltd., and Professor Charles W. Tu, Yushan Scholar of the Ministry of Education, all of whom attended the ceremony to receive their awards.

The Outstanding Alumni awards spanned three major fields: academic research, corporate management, and public service. In the academic research category, the recipient is Han-Chien Lin, President of National Chiayi University (graduated from the Department of Forestry in 1989). In the business management category, the recipients are Ming-Ho Hsiung, Chairman of Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (graduated from the Department of Applied Mathematics in 1975), and Yu-chuan Lu, General Manager of Jia Hsing Enterprises Co., Ltd. (graduated from the EMBA program in 2015).

In the public service category, the recipients are Premier Jung-Tai Cho (graduated from NCHU’s Department of Law and Business in 1984), Minister of Justice Ming-Chien Cheng (graduated from the Department of Law and Business in 1980), Director-General of the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration Chun-Jung Su(graduated from the Department of Statistics in 1983), Deputy Minister of Agriculture Wen-Chen Tu (received a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Veterinary Medicine in 1987 and a master’s degree in 1990), Director of the Taichung City Water Resources Bureau Shi-Yi Fan (graduated from the Department of Soil and Water Conservation in 1992 and received a PhD from the Department of Civil Engineering in 2012), Jo-Fen Wen, CEO of the Enjoyable-Sunshine Gentleland Educational Foundation (graduated from the EMBA program in 2018), and Jiu-Xian Li, Executive Director of the National Federation of University Alumni Associations of the Republic of China (graduated from the Department of Forestry in 1960).

President Fuh-Jyh Jan expressed deep gratitude, acknowledging the support of alumni and the broader community as crucial to NCHU’s growth. He thanked those present, especially the benefactors who have provided vital support in areas such as scholarships, industry-academic collaboration, healthcare for rural areas, interdisciplinary research, and inter-university integration. This year marked the introduction of the Honorary Alumni Awards, and President Jam gave special thanks to Show-Chung Ho, Dean of the Yuen-Foong-Yu Academy, recognized for his commitment to food safety and native species conservation; Chen-Pang Wu, Chairman of CH Biotech R&D Co., Ltd., a staunch advocate for circular economy talent development; and Professor Charles W. Tu, Yushan Scholar of the Ministry of Education, who has promoted forward-looking research and interdisciplinary integration. He expressed heartfelt appreciation for the trust and support from all sectors, noting these contributions are essential to the university’s continued advancement.

NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni

NCHU Celebrates the 105th Anniversary: Honors 28th Outstanding Alumni and 1st Honorary Alumni