國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--Achievement-【News】Groundbreaking biotechnology deployment to clean up the river Wye
【News】Groundbreaking biotechnology deployment to clean up the river Wye
category : Achievement
date : 2024-07-16
views : 650
The River Wye, a well-loved UK river, is in decline (Natural England, 2023). This has affected local quality of life, tourism industry, restriction on the homebuilding, and huge impact on the local economy. One of the critical contributor is the phosphorus entering the watercourse from the nutrient leaching and run-off. There are many sources of the nutrient waste contributing to the river pollution. Poultry manure from the Intensive Poultry Farming Units is a main pollutant source. Poultry litter in the right place could be good organic fertiliser because of its NPK nutrient profile. However, when the excessive litter in the Wye catchment has been overspread onto the field, the valuable nutrient get wasted and causing environmental issues, such as ammonia emission, greenhouse gas emission, river pollution and soil deterioration. We want to put the resources in the right place so we make good use of its value. LOHAS Nutrient Up-cycling Systems presents a pioneering solution converting poultry litter into safe and stable Organic-Based Fertiliser, addressing ecological damage caused by nutrient run-off into waterways. By implementing high standard of biosecurity measures and integrating proteolysis and fermentation process with LOHAS patented enzymes, we ensure the safe and efficient transformation of poultry waste into valuable fertiliser products that is easy to handle and export out of the region with lower transport costs and emissions. Over the next five years, our initiative aims to establish 10 small Nutrient Up-cycling Hubs located in the Herefordshire within the Wye SAC catchment area. By that, we will only require a land of 2 acres for a single hub to start the manure nutrient up-cycling. We anticipate to prevent over 2,000 tons of excessive phosphorus entering the river annually. This strategic approach not only prevents nutrient waste and pollution but also supports UK growers by reducing their reliance on imported organic fertilisers, particularly benefiting the horticultural and viticultural sectors in Eastern England. Located in Herefordshire, our LOHAS Hubs will serve as models of environmental stewardship, demonstrating the safety, effectiveness, and economic viability of our Nutrient Up-cycling system in making best use the agricultural by-product resources. LOHAS will establish a compelling business case for widespread technology deployment across the Wye Valley and beyond. By engaging closely with regulators, industry stakeholders, and the local farming community, we ensure transparency and build trust in our environmentally friendly approach. Please join us, with immediate actions, to Clean up the River Wye.