國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--貴賓來訪-歡迎荷蘭意爾瑞思應用科技大學(Aeres University of Applied Sciences)Taco Medema、Wieke Hetsen等2位講師,蒞院拜訪

歡迎荷蘭意爾瑞思應用科技大學(Aeres University of Applied Sciences)Taco Medema、Wieke Hetsen等2位講師,蒞院拜訪

  • 分類 : 貴賓來訪
  • 日期 : 2024-04-15
  • 點閱 : 1357

自2013年建立起姊妹校關係,並於2021年完成續約,本校與荷蘭意爾瑞思應用科技大學(Aeres University of Applied Sciences)一直保持著緊密的合作關係。今年4月15至19日,我們有幸邀請到了來自Aeres大學的Taco MedemaWieke Hetsen兩位講師,與我們一同蒞臨本院進行拜訪和交流。以下是公開活動安排:

  • 4/15(週一) 12:00 - 14:00   Special Seminar by Mr. Taco & Ms. Wieke
  • The Joys of Teaching; Revitalizing Your Teaching Passion: A Fusion of Reflection and Artistic Expression 
  • 4/16(週二) 10:00 - 12:00   Special Seminar by Mr. Taco & Ms. Wieke
  • Nurturing Excellence in Education: Topics and Techniques for Continuous Teacher Improvement;The Significance of Preparation in Teaching: A Deep Dive into its Importance 
  • 4/17(週三)  10:00 - 12:00 Guest Lecture by Mr. Taco & Ms. Wieke, host by Department of Agronomy
  •  International Food Business
  • 4/18(週四)  14:00 - 16:00 Dept. Seminar by Ms. Wieke, host by International Doctoral Program in Agriculture
  • Enhancing Experiential Learning: Implementing Living Labs in Field and Community Settings
  • 4/18(週四)  15:00-  17:00 Dept. Seminar by Mr. Taco, host by Department of Applied Economics
  • The economy of the European Union
  • 4/19(週五)  10:00 - 12:00 Dept. Seminar by Mr. Taco & Ms. Wieke, host by Graduate Institute of Bio-Industry Management

