國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院--Honor-【EVENT NEWS】2022 CANR Full English International Features Series Speech & Course

【EVENT NEWS】2022 CANR Full English International Features Series Speech & Course

  • category : Honor
  • date : 2022-09-26
  • views : 1350


The events have quietly started in May... Do you aware it?

You got it! This year, our CANR and the IAC organized the "2022 CANR Full English International Features Series Speech & Course", invited many experts and scholars from Japan, the United States, Korea , etc. Even though you missed some lectures in the past,  you can keep this time which the lectures you are interested now.

Important point: you are welcome to keep the time first~ and JOIN us!!!

Comply with the epidemic prevention measures of the Taiwan CDC. The exact location and type of events on campus will continue to be tracked and updated for everyone. Please FOLLOW us and the post!!! 【Attachment Update by 30 Sep.】